Vegan Creamy Cashew Pasta

Hello friends,

So after a month home, I’m back to school in Minnesota. And that only means one thing –> more recipes and good eats from me. I spent the entire day yesterday grocery shopping, cooking and working on my blog. I kinda revamped the website a little bit (a lot actually) and I really like how it turned out.

Let me know what you think of the change 🙂

About this pasta, I have been making them nonstop, using up an entire box of pasta in a day so you know how good it is. I used a cheesy cashew dip from Trader Joe’s to make the sauce so it is even quicker and easier – like all of my recipes.

The dip that I got

The ingredients are cashews, potatoes, carrots,  onions, green chili peppers, tomato paste, sea salt, vinegar, garlic powder, jalapeno pepper – all whole, real ingredients. If you couldn’t get your hands on this bad boy, you could certainly blend it yourself using the ingredient list above,  it would only take some extra efforts.

Ingredients on point


*Makes 2 servings



Cook your preferred pasta according to instructions on package. Drain and toss with a little extra virgin olive oil so the pasta won’t stick.


  • 1/3 c Trader Joe’s Cashew Fiesta Dip
  • 1 tomato, sliced into smaller pieces.
  • 2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/4 tsp Italian seasoning
  • dash of soy milk to thin if needed (the sauce is supposed to be a tad runny at first)
  • salt & pepper to season


  • 1 apple sausage, sub for alternative if vegan.
  • Greens (I used baby kale but any other greens will work fine)


  1. Blend all ingredients together until smooth. Season to taste, if too runny add more cashew dip, if too thick add more soy milk.
  2. Cook your pasta according to box instructions, drain and oil.
  3. Pour the sauce in non stick pan over medium low heat, stir frequently until thoroughly heated. Add the pasta in and stir gently. Turn to medium heat.
  4. Add in sliced sausage.
  5. When almost done, add greens of choice and stir to incorporate everything together.
  6. Serve! Add more veggies if you prefer, I top the dish with sriracha mayo and chilli flakes.
I served mine with stir fry cauliflower, mushrooms and sriracha mayo

I hope you make this dish, if you do feel free to tag on me my Instagram @whathineats



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